domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Discografia Completa Discharge



Discharge es una influyente banda de hardcore punk de origen inglés. Su música fue crucial para el desarrollo del hardcore inglés, más conocido como UK82. Su música se caracteriza por su pesadez altamente rítmica, distorsión y atonalidad en las guitarras y una voz crudamente gritada, similar a un discurso político. Su temática está fuertemente arraigada al anarquismo, pacifismo y al desarme.
Discharge se formó en 1977 con una alineación original que incluía a Terry 'Tez' Roberts las voces, Tony 'Bones' Roberts en guitarra, Roy 'Rainy' Wainwright también a la guitarra, Nigel Bamford en bajo y Akko a la batería. Al poco pasar, Nigel Bamford dejó el grupo, y Rainy se encargó del bajo. Esta formación sonaba muy similar a los Sex Pistols, pero sólo registró un demo. La formación y el sonido cambiaron en 1979. Entonces pasó a ser: Kelvin 'Cal' Morris en vocal, Bones en la guitarra, Rainy en bajo y Tez en la batería. A esta muchos consideran como la formación "clásica" de Discharge.
El pesado, retorcido, y demoledor sonido de la guitarra y los anti-melódicos gritos y chillidos del vocalista de esta nueva alineación llevaron a la banda a ser conocida como una de las principales influencias de lo que sería el thrash. Sus canciones giraban en torno al anarquismo, libertad y pacifismo y sus temas trataban de mostrar las terribles consecuencias de la guerra nuclear y la enferma sociedad consumida por el capitalismo.

1997- 1977 Demo

01 - I Don't Care
02 - Sweet Suburban Dreams
03 - Living In The City
04 - Acne
05 - Dead Babies
06 - Pigs
07 - Under My Feet
08 - No Time For Romance
09 - No Future

1980- Fight Back EP

01 - Fight Back
02 - Wars No Fairytale
03 - Always Restrictions
04 - You Take Part In Creating The
05 - Religion Instigates

1980- Realities Of War EP

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victims

1980- Decontrol EP

01 - Decontrol
02 - It's No TV Scetch
03 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us

1981- Never Again EP

01 - Never Again
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles

1981- Why?

01 - Visions Of War
02 - Does This System Work
03 - A Look At Tomorrow
04 - Why?
05 - Maimed And Slaughtered
06 - Mania For Conquest
07 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
08 - Is This To Be
09 - Massacre Of Innocents
10 - Why Reprise
11 - Realities Of War
12 - They Declare It
13 - But After The Gig
14 - Society's Victim
15 - Fight Back
16 - War's No Fairytale
17 - Always Restrictions
18 - You Take Part In Creating This System
19 - Religion Instigates
20 - Decontrol
21 - It's No TV Sketch
22 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us

1982- State Violence State Control EP

01 - State Violence State Control
02 - Doomsday

1982- Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing

01 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
02 - The Nightmare Continues
03 - The Final Blood Bath
04 - Protest And Survive
05 - I Won't Subscribe
06 - Drunk With Power
07 - Meanwhile
08 - A Hell On Earth
09 - Cries Of Help
10 - The Possibility Of Lifes Destruction
11 - Q: And Children A: And Children
12 - The Blood Runs Red
13 - Free Speech For The Dumb
14 - The End

1983- Warning: - Her Majestys Government Can Seriously Damage Your Health

01 - Warning
02 - Where There Is A Will There Is A Way
03 - In Defence Of Our Future
04 - Anger Burning

1983- The Price Of Silence Single/Born To Die In The Gutter

01 - The Price Of Silence
02 - Born To Die In The Gutter

1984- The More I See EP

01 - The More I See
02 - Protest And Survive
03 - The More I See (Extended Version)

1984- Never Again

01 - Warning
02 - Never Again
03 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
04 - The Nightmare Continues
05 - Where There Is A Will
06 - Drunk With Power
07 - The Final Blood Bath
08 - Anger Burning
09 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
10 - The Price Of Silence
11 - Protest And Survive
12 - Born To Die In The Gutter
13 - Doomsday
14 - The More I See
15 - State Violence/State Control
16 - In Defence Of Our Future
17 - Decontrol

1985- Ignorance EP

01 - Ignorance
02 - No Compromise
03 - Ignorance (Extended Version)

1991- Massacre Divine

01 - City Of Fear
02 - F.E.D.
03 - Lost Tribe Rising
04 - Challenge Terror
05 - White Knuckle Ride
06 - New Age
07 - Terror Police
08 - Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
09 - Sexplosion
10 - Dying Time
11 - E# 2.30
12 - F.E.D.(F2 Mix)
13 - Terror Police (F2 Mix)

1992- Protest And Survive 1980-1984

CD 01:

01 - Never Again
02 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
03 - The Nightmare Continues
04 - Realities Of War
05 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Anger Burning
08 - Hell On Earth
09 - Cries Of Help
10 - Possibilities Of Lifes Destruction
11 - Visions Of War
12 - Stockpiles
13 - The More I See
14 - Look At Tomorrow
15 - Societys Victim

CD 02:

01 - Protest And Survive
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
04 - Final Blood Bath
05 - Is This To Be
06 - Price Of Silence
07 - Fight Back
08 - Doomsday
09 - Why?
10 - Drunk With Power
11 - Religion Instigates
12 - Warning
13 - Massacre Of Innocence
14 - State Violence
15 - Decontrol

1993- Shootin' Up The World

01 - Down And Dirty
02 - Exiled In Hell
03 - Fantasy Overload
04 - Leaders-Deceivers
05 - Lost In You
06 - Manson Child
07 - Never Come To Care
08 - Psycho Active
09 - Real Life Snuff
10 - Shootin' Up The World

1997- Visions Of War

CD 01:

01 - Realities Of War
02 - Fight Back
03 - War's No Fairytale
04 - Decontrol
05 - It's No TV Sketch
06 - Warning
07 - Anger Burning
08 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
09 - The Nightmare Continues
10 - Protest & Survive
11 - I Won't Subscribe
12 - The Blood Runs Red
13 - Never Again
14 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
15 - Why?
16 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
17 - Visions Of War
18 - Does This System Work

CD 02:

01 - Manson Child
02 - Lost In You
03 - Shootin' Up The World
04 - Psycho Active
05 - Leaders/Deceivers
06 - Fantasy Overload
07 - Down And Dirty
08 - Never Come To Care
09 - Real Life Snuff
10 - Exiled In Hell
11 - City Of Fear
12 - F.E.D.
13 - Lost Tribe Rising
14 - Challenge Terror
15 - New Age
16 - Terror Police
17 - Sexplosion
18 - Dying Time

1999- Hardcore Hits

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - Fight Back
04 - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
05 - Protest And Survive
06 - Decontrol
07 - Tomorrow Bleongs To Us
08 - Never Again
09 - The Nightmare Continues
10 - Drunk With Power
11 - Why?
12 - Does This Systems Work
13 - A Look At Tomorrow
14 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
15 - State Violence State Control
16 - The Price Of Silence
17 - The More I See
18 - Ignorance

1999- Anthology - Free Speech For The Dumb

CD 01:

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating The System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Visions Of War
11 - Does The System Work
12 - A Look At Tomorrow
13 - Why?
14 - Maimed And Slaughtered
15 - Mania For Conquest
16 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
17 - Is This To Be
18 - Massacre Of Innocents
19 - Why? (Reprise)
20 - Decontrol

CD 02:

01 - It's No TV Sketch
02 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
03 - Never Again
04 - Death Dealers
05 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
06 - Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
07 - The Nightmare Continues
08 - The Final Bloodbath
09 - Protest And Survive
10 - I Won't Subscribe
11 - Drunk With Power
12 - Meanwhile
13 - A Hell On Earth
14 - Cries Of Help
15 - The Possibility Of Life's Destruction
16 - Q: And Children A: And Children
17 - The Blood Runs Red
18 - Free Speech For The Dumb
19 - The End
20 - State Violence / State Control

2001- The Clay Punk Singles Collection

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating This System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrol
11 - It's No T.V. Scetch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Never Again
14 - Death Dealers
15 - Two Monsterous Nuclear Stockpiles
16 - State Violence State Control
17 - Dooms' Day
18 - Warning
19 - Where This Is A Will
20 - In Defence Of Our Future
21 - Anger Burning
22 - The Price Of Silence
23 - Born to Die In The Gutter
24 - The More I See You
25 - Protest And Survive
26 - Ignorance
27 - No Compromise

2002- Decontrol: The Singles

CD 01:

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairytale
07 - Always Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating The System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrol
11 - It's No T.V. Sketch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Visions Of War
14 - Does This System Work
15 - A Look Of Tomorrow
16 - Why?
17 - Maimed And Slaughtered
18 - Mania For Conquest
19 - Ain't No Feeble Bastard
20 - Is This To Be
21 - Massacre Of Innocents (Air Attack)
22 - Why? (Reprise)

CD 02:

01 - Never Again
02 - Death Dealers
03 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
04 - State Violence State Control
05 - Doomsday
06 - Warning
07 - Where There's A Will There's A Way
08 - In Defence Of Our Future
09 - Anger Burning
10 - The Price Of Silence
11 - Born To Die In The Gutter
12 - The More I See
13 - Protest And Survive
14 - The More I See (Extended Version)
15 - Ignorance
16 - No Compromise
17 - Ignorance (Extended Version)

2002- Self-Titled (Discharge)

01 - You Deserve Me
02 - Almost Alive
03 - Corpse Of Decadence
04 - Trustem
05 - M.A.D
06 - Accessories By Molotov
07 - Into Darkness
08 - Hype Overload
09 - You
10 - What Do I Get
11 - Well Is War
12 - Accessories By Molatov Remix
13 - Corpse Of Decadence Remix

2008- Punk And Destroy

01 - Realities Of War
02 - They Declare It
03 - But After The Gig
04 - Society's Victim
05 - Fight Back
06 - War's No Fairlytale
07 - Allways Restrictions
08 - You Take Part In Creating This System
09 - Religion Instigates
10 - Decontrpl
11 - It's No TV Sketch
12 - Tomorrow Belongs To Us
13 - Never Again
14 - Death Dealers
15 - Two Monstrous Nuclear Stockpiles
16 - State Violence State Control
17 - Dooms Day

2008- War Is Hell

01 - War Is Hell
02 - State Violence, State Control
03 - You Deserve Me
04 - Never Again
05 - The More I See
06 - Hype Overload
07 - Corpse Of Decadence
08 - M.A.D.
09 - You Take Part In Creating The System
10 - Nightmare Continues (Live)
11 - Hell On Earth (Live)
12 - Realities Of War (Live)
13 - Doomsday (Live)
14 - Beginning Of The End
15 - Blood Of The Innocent
16 - Suburbian Dreams
17 - Pigs
18 - No Futre USA
19 - Pause

2008- Disensitise: (VB) Deny - Remove - Destroy

01 - Blood Of The Innocent
02 - CCTV
03 - What Method What Madness
04 - They Lie You Die
05 - Becomes Again & Again
06 - Spoils Of War
07 - Persuasion = Power
08 - Web Of Disadvantage
09 - Ignorance Your Surrender
10 - Kept In The Dark
11 - You Have The Gun
12 - Will Deceive You
13 - Beginning Of The End
14 - No Return
15 - Legacy You Left Behind
16 - Propaganda Feeds

2008- Early Demo's (March-June 1977)

01 - I Don't Care
02 - Sweet Suburban Dreams
03 - Living In The City
04 - Acne
05 - I Love Dead Babies
06 - Pigs
07 - Under My Feet
08 - No Time For Romance
09 - Theres No Future USA
10 - Acne
11 - Pigs
12 - Do Or Die
13 - Pause


Never Again

8 comentarios:

  1. muchas gracias papa!! un abrazo enorme

  2. Gracias, viejo. Se agradece por compartir.

  3. todos os links não existem mais
    essa banda influenciou toda uma geração de grandes bandas

  4. Holaa cabros... Les faltó el disco heavy metal .. creo k se llama grave new Worlds y es del 86 ... Para mí gusto vale callampa... Saludos
